
Unlimited Scalability

Datacenter Domain Unification

Datacenter Domain Unification feature is an Axxon One VMS top feature designed to seamlessly integrate unlimited distributed sites (Axxon One domains) and operate them as a unified video management system (VMS), ensuring top-tier security management. 

With Datacenter Domain Unification, you can:

  • View live and recorded video from remote sites using a desktop, web, or mobile client.
  • Configure and control remote systems using all the Axxon One desktop client features.
  • Apply individual access rights and GUI settings for each user connecting to the sites.
  • Build custom reports based on events and analytics data collected from different sites.
  • Set up face and license plate watchlists and sync them across all recognition servers.

How Datacenter Domain Unification Works

Each onsite surveillance system based on the Axxon One intelligent video management software may comprise several VMS servers and can be controlled by local operators. To unify standalone video management systems at different sites, a dedicated intermediate node is employed. It consists of two components:

  • Locally hosted, Linux-based AxxonNet service that provides basically the same features as the AxxonNet cloud service.
  • Axxon One server that caters for technical needs such as storing user settings.

The intermediate node connects to the sites via the internet or private networks using the secure HTTPS protocol. Client connections to the node are also secure.

Benefits of Datacenter Domain Unification

Centralized VMS Solution: On-Premises and Cloud

Experience the convenience of cloud-like access to any site on any client device, coupled with the security, control, and customization of on-premises infrastructure. 

Security out of the box

Accommodate any number of users, allowing them to work with the video management system using personalized camera layouts and access levels. 

Optimal for Specific Security Applications

The solution seamlessly functions over the internet or private networks, providing data privacy. Crucially, video footage remains stored on-premises video management systems, catering to institutions with stringent security standards. 

Network failure tolerance

Bandwidth limitations between the sites do not affect the operation of local systems; operators onsite can directly connect to the system using a local area network.

Centralized Reporting for Multi-Sites

AxxonNet collects event and video analytics data from different sites. You can use it to build custom reports in charts and tables and configure handy dashboards that visualize the data.

Discover unparalleled scalability and unified security management with the Axxon One video management software. Optimize operations across distributed sites, leverage cutting-edge analytics, and seize control like never before. Choose the pinnacle of Cross-Site Video Management and Distributed Camera Management with Axxon One cloud-enabled video surveillance.

Technical specifications

A convenient table view of Axxon One VMS core functions, special features, video analytics, and supported devices and standards. 

View specs

PDF version of the complete Axxon One presentation containing detailed information about our advanced video management software. 

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Detailed information about Axxon One VMS features and technologies in a PDF format.  

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