
Face Search

AxxonSoft software can pick out faces in the camera video feed and calculate and store their mathematical descriptions in a vector form using the AI facial recognition algorithm. The data stored doesn’t include any personal ID information and is only used to find similar faces in recorded video. Face search enables you to quickly check a person’s photo against the video footage, including multiple-camera recordings. This technology is a great time-saver during investigations, when you need to find all the footage related to a specific person.

How Face Search Is Used

  • Select the cameras and set the time interval in the video footage.
  • Upload a person’s photo (you can also use a face captured in a video frame).
  • Set the similarity level percentage. The higher the percentage, the more the search is refined. Faces that aren’t a close enough match are ignored.
  • Results quickly show you all videos with the person you are looking for. You can sort the search results by face match or time.


  • Find out what someone was doing in a secured area: exactly where they were, and when.
  • Find a lost child at a shopping center.
  • Search for suspects and witnesses, e.g., as part of a Safe City program. Identify what places a certain person visited most often, and find out where they were last seen.

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AxxonSoft trains neural networks based on each specific site and task to maximize results in your facility’s specific conditions.

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